Our Trusted Referral Partners

We know and understand that money is a reflection of everything else that’s happening in your business. So we see it's our responsibility to stay connected with industry professionals who can help our clients beyond financial matters. We've partnered with experts covering areas we don't, all contributing to the bigger picture.

We only feature referral partners on our page after working with them firsthand and seeing their results. We believe in what they do and trust their efforts.

Operations Experts

  • Margaret Burke, MB Law Firm Consulting, LLC®

    MB Law Firm Consulting, LLC®

    MB Law Firm Consulting works with small to mid-sized law firms to identify and implement growth, strategy, and succession planning.

    Law practices must have everything working perfectly under the hood to run smoothly. We help you keep the focus on client work, business development, and team retention. Not on everything else. MB Law Firm Consulting identifies opportunities and addresses firm-specific needs, overseeing the implementation to help accelerate the growth of law practices. Think of us as your pit crew, ensuring that you and your team can go full throttle.

    Our fractional law firm COO and Strategic Planning services focus on finding the most efficient route to your firm’s full potential. Then, we get you there, creating and implementing customized work plans, maximizing operations, and advising on law firm-specific advisory and best practices.

    With over 20 years​ of experience working in and with law firms, we understand the pressures Partners face and know the secret sauce that keeps a firm running like a well-oiled machine.

  • Davina Frederick, Wealthy Woman Lawyer

    Wealthy Woman Lawyer

    Wealthy Woman Lawyer, LLC, is a law firm growth strategy company. We help women law firm owners create $1M+ wealth-generating businesses to increase their influence, impact and income.

    If you are a busy women lawyer who owns her own law practice and you aspire to grow it into a wealth-generating asset so you can finally create the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about since law school (and maybe even before that), you are in the right place.

    Wealthy Woman Lawyer® believes all women lawyers deserve to be wealthy women lawyers. We work too damn hard to not reap the benefits of our career investments!

    Our purpose is to help as many women lawyers as possible discover that they can create a business that supports them, their families and their communities in ways they’ve always dreamt–without sacrificing themselves in the process. We are so glad you are here! Welcome to Wealthy Woman Lawyer®.

  • Jay McAllister, Paragon Tech Inc.

    Paragon Tech Inc.

    We eliminate bottlenecks and disorganization in your law firm through implementing the right tech that guarantees repeatable awe-inspiring client outcomes.

    Your goal is to create a law firm that runs efficiently and where the majority of you and your staff’s time is spent is on high value tasks.

    Paragon Tech can help you identify the bottlenecks that exist, implement technology to eliminate the bottlenecks, and provide ongoing technology support and training so that you and your staff can operate with maximum efficiency.

    We are lawyers and technologists on a mission to make it as effortless as possible for you to wow your clients with stellar results.

Team Strategy and Management Experts

  • Molly McGrath, Hiring & Empowering Solutions

    Hiring & Empowering Solutions

    Flat Fee Legal Staffing & Onboarding | The Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + Academy.



    The Smart Hire Solution® goes deeper than just recruiting and hiring. Your placement fee includes everything you need to find, recruit, hire, onboard, train and develop your new (and existing) staff member to become a valuable—and profit-generating—member of your legal team.

    FLAT FEE STRUCTURE: Unlike other legal staffing agencies, we charge a predictable flat-fee for our services—not a % of INFALTED salaries or any other hard-to-figure mathematical equation. We work hard to find the best long-term fit for the best fee. We work for you not for our commission.

    THE ULTIMATE REVIEW SYSTEM: We will facilitate and provide a step-by-step process for the 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180-day employee review, with the employee and business owner. We track and measure all progress and benchmarks to make certain the new hire not only makes it, but thrives as a valuable, long-term right fit.

    180-DAY REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE: We are the ONLY legal recruiting agency that generously offers a 6-month replacement guarantee PLUS a comprehensive 6-month onboarding program, ensuring unparalleled support and success in legal recruiting.

    The Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + Academy: The coaching and growth doesn’t stop after the end of the 180-Day Guarantee. The ENTIRE LAW FIRM is granted access to The Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + Academy to ensure not only is your new hire generating ROI but your ENTIRE team. We train your team on how to lead a team approach to reach goal. Creating Legal Leaders Leading Legal Leaders.

  • Brett Trembly, Get Staffed Up

    Get Staffed Up

    We staff law firms with incredible, offshore, full-time VA's. Helping lawyers delegate their way to freedom!

    Founded by lawyers for lawyers, at Get Staffed Up (GSU), we've helped hundreds of lawyers at small and mid-size firms delegate their way to freedom by hiring reliable offshore virtual legal and executive assistants, virtual receptionists, intake specialists, marketing assistants, and more. Not only that, but other service industries are also turning to us for help. We focus on hiring from Latin America and South Africa and deliver to the clients we work with top-rated, college-degreed staffers with excellent English who can handle client-facing positions. We find and vet only the Top 1% of talent, individuals who are hardworking, committed, and excited to be making a fair wage. Delegating tasks to a capable offshore team will save you time and money and allow you to focus on what's most important to you – growing your business.

    We're big on helping lawyers and law firm owners eliminate risks, increase margins, and enjoy running and building their dream practice. Without any binding contracts and a replacement guarantee, we stand proud of the quality offshore staffing provided to every single one of our valuable clients. Prepare to embark on a journey towards freedom, and let's "Get Staffed Up!".

  • Skybreaker


    We help law firm owners & online experts escape the grind, hire all-star VAs, and cut your work week in half.

    It's Time to Escape the Grind with VAs.

    Are you spending all of your time working IN your business with little to no time to work ON it?

    And if you’re like most of the entrepreneurs we talk to, then you probably feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and anxious when it comes to your business.

    We help law firm owners and other entrepreneurs make more and work less by building a profitable virtual team that cuts your work week in half.

    Because the truth is that the MORE your business depends on YOU, the LESS your business can grow.

    And if you don’t solve this, you will never achieve the freedom and impact you desire—which inspired you to start your business in the first place! You’ll never be able to take extended time off, much less enjoy a dream vacation, without being tied to your laptop.

  • Randa Prendergast, The Attorney Whisperer®️, Mrs. June Legal, LLC

    The Attorney Whisperer®️, Mrs. June Legal, LLC

    We are more than paralegals, we bring growth and efficiency, with peace of mind.

    We are a young and dynamic company, passionate to assist solo and small law firm owners in managing their law office. We help attorneys free up their time by focusing on inefficiencies in their workflows, policies and procedures, time management, and matters while offering paralegal support to keep legal work moving forward. Our team of experts has extensive experience in the legal industry, and we are committed to providing exceptional services that help our clients achieve their goals by developing tailored solutions that meet their specific needs.

Other Important Players

  • Krane Financial Solutions - Justin Krane

    Krane Financial Solutions

    We believe that with the right kind of planning, you have the opportunity to have the kind of financial life that you want for yourself.  We believe that financial planning is not just about saving so you could live the life you want to when you are 85. We believe in living and spending today, while also saving and living for tomorrow.

    As a Certified Financial Planner™ professional, there are 4 main things that Justin can do:

    Retirement Planning – A personalized retirement plan for you. We will work together to create a plan so that you feel like you are on track to retire – your way.

    Financial Life Planning – It’s not just about return on investment. It’s about Return on Life. Financial Life Planning is about merging your money with your life. You got this!

    Investment Management – A custom portfolio built for you from scratch. Based on your objectives and risk tolerance. It’s a system. And Justin loves using it.

    CFO For Your Business – Your business money. It’s the money that funds your personal goals. Let’s dig into the numbers, and be proactive.


  • Scott Dutton, ISBA Mutual Insurance

    ISBA Mutual Insurance

    Insurance for Illinois Lawyers.

    As a lawyer, professional liability insurance coverage isn’t just important. It’s your professional duty, enabling you to protect your clients — which is why they hire you in the first place.

    ISBA Mutual is a company founded by lawyers, so we understand that running a law firm entails risks. Meritless claims take time and money to defend – time that could be better spent serving your clients. The good news is that most claims, when addressed early, can be resolved reasonably.

    And more good news – if you need us, we’re a phone call away. Yes, a real person right here in Illinois answers your calls!

    While our core service is professional liability insurance, we also offer supplemental products designed specifically for lawyers. Learn more about other coverage here. We protect you and your law firm, so you can protect your clients.

    Peace of mind is priceless.

  • Darren Wurz, Wurz Financial Services

    Wurz Financial Services

    Wealth Counsel to Law Firm Owners.

    As wealth counsel to law firm owners, we support law firm owners in three primary areas: wealth growth, profit maximization, and business expansion.

    Our clients are highly motivated law firm owners seeking financial clarity, business growth, and passive income. But they are challenged by a lack of time, complex finances, and subpar advice from their current advisors.

    We offer a comprehensive view of your entire financial picture. From fostering personal wealth growth to devising business expansion strategies, we’re committed to empowering you with financial clarity, stability, and enduring prosperity for you and your loved ones.

  • Confido Legal

    Confido Legal

    We Help Legal Innovators Move Money

    Confido Legal is an integrated payment processing platform specifically designed for law firms and legal technology companies.

    How we help law firms:

    Reduce Cost - Reduce processing fees using alternative payments acceptance methods and fee management tools.

    Increase Collections - Payments acceptance designed to help you take payment earlier and get paid faster.

    Automate Work - Build payments acceptance into your existing intake, scheduling, and collections workflows.

    Improve Client Experience - Reduce friction in the payment experience with flexible, mobile-friendly payment pages.

    Reduce Risk - Trust account management designed to help you comply with the rules of professional conduct.

Business Development and Growth Experts

  • Steve Fretzin, FRETZIN INC.


    Lawyer Coaching & BD Skills Training, and Lawyer Peer Advisory Groups.

    Over the past 20 years I have personally coached and trained professionals in over 50 different industries. About 16 years ago the legal profession chose me after the recession in 2008. I found attorneys to be bright, hardworking, and passionate about their profession. The problem was that they didn’t learn anything about growing a law practice in law school or even at the law firm level. This made me eager to help them in the areas where attorneys struggle –business development and marketing.

    FRETZIN is the premier lawyer coaching, skills trainer, and peer-advisory leader for highly motivated attorneys. Working with ambitious and growth-minded attorney is literally all we do. This level of specialization means that we “get you,” your challenges, and dreams for the future. The only way we win is when you achieve your goals to control your destiny. Whether you’re looking to make your first hundred thousand or your first million, you’ve come to the right place.

  • Tyler Roberts, NOMOS Marketing

    NOMOS Marketing

    We help growth-oriented law firms create story-driven marketing campaigns that turn traffic into leads, and leads into clients.

    NOMOS Marketing is a full‑service digital marketing agency exclusively serving the legal industry. Co‑founded by attorney Tyler Roberts and partner April Roberts, we are a marketing agency built for lawyers, by lawyers. Based in Charleston, SC, our team works with law firms across the country, helping them tell their story and attract more clients

    Everything we do at NOMOS Marketing, whether its web design, social media, SEO, branding, or PPC, is focused on putting our clients in a better position to serve their communities.

    We are always studying how people are shopping for lawyers online, what they look for when making hiring decisions, and what makes them pick up the phone. We consider it a success anytime we can increase exposure to resources and knowledge that help someone in need of legal help connect with one of our lawyer clients.

  • Ashley Robinson, Green Cardigan Marketing

    Green Cardigan Marketing

    We are law firm marketing experts. Stop relying on referrals to grow your firm.

    Trusted by 150+ law firm's nationwide, Green Cardigan Marketing has built a marketing solution that has proven to grow client's yearly revenue 30% on AVERAGE! Our results are proven, strategies are unique and our customer service is what sets us apart.

    When you work with our team, there is no long term contract and you have a team of marketers you speak with on a weekly basis.

    We understand legal marketing because that is all we do!

    Learn how we do things by checking out OUR PROCESS or applying to work with our team today!

Coaching Experts

  • Elise Buie, Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC

    Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC

    Divorce is often daunting, overwhelming, and frustrating. I am here to assist families in every aspect of their case from the initial comprehensive consultation to the filing of the final divorce decree and everything in between whether motions, mediation, collaborative law process, counseling and many frank discussions about moving past this event to a better, brighter future no matter how bleak it might seem at times.

    Making decisions about how to move forward can be emotionally charged, complex, and confusing. When your family’s future is your first priority, you deserve representation that will focus all their energy on helping you bring your vision to life. Whether you are considering divorce or separation, have co-parenting needs, or want to put together a comprehensive relationship agreement, our team is here to support you. We provide the education and resources you need to understand your options and help mitigate conflict.

    Finding the right firm to help you is an investment and not just financially. You want to take the time to select a team who understands your objectives and has the capacity and experience to help you be successful. When you look back, whether a year or five years from now, we want you to know you did everything you could to help your family thrive.

    Elise Buie Family Law Group has passionate, creative, problem-solving family law and estate planning attorneys who will work tirelessly to support you. We serve Family Law clients in King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Island counties and offer Estate and Relationship Planning services statewide.

  • Melissa Shanahan, Velocity Work

    Velocity Work.

    Quarterly strategic planning for law firm owners with accountability and coaching in between.

    We work with law firm owners looking to grow the business on their own terms.

    Leveraging tried-and-true business improvement measures, our approach lays the foundation for success at whatever stage your firm. Expert know-how and fellow law firm owner collaboration merge to bring you an unprecedented growth experience.

    Focus Forward Framework™: Core precepts of our programs include aiming for a specific target, making a strong strategic plan, and honoring that plan. By understanding and adhering to these key cornerstones for progress, participants set themselves up for the most optimal of outcomes.

    Full Commitment: We have a passion for helping clients reach their utmost state of being. This intensity for promoting betterment and growth creates a space for law firm owners to thrive and reach new heights in the process.

    Future state: Our sessions meet clients wherever they are in their business life cycle - no matter where it might be. It’s truly a supportive, judgement-free zone prime for paving the path to those next important milestones.