Accounting and Financial Planning Tips for Law Firm Owners

Discover essential financial guidance specifically crafted for law firms to propel their success.

Accounting & Bookkeeping Chelsea Williams Accounting & Bookkeeping Chelsea Williams

Why You Should Not Take Business Advice from Your Tax Preparer

Navigating the financial landscape of a law firm can be complex, especially when it comes to deciding who to trust with business advice.

Relying solely on your tax preparer for business advice can be problematic. While tax preparers excel in compliance and minimizing tax liabilities, they often lack the broader business strategy perspective that a CFO or financial advisor provides. A CFO, especially a fractional CFO, offers comprehensive financial oversight and strategic planning that align with your long-term goals. Tax preparers focus on past financial data, whereas CFOs look ahead, making forward-looking projections essential for business growth.

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Accounting & Bookkeeping Chelsea Williams Accounting & Bookkeeping Chelsea Williams

Outsourcing vs. Hiring a Bookkeeper for Your Business: Pros and Cons to Consider

If You’re Growing And Scaling, You’ve Either Already Considered This Question Or You’re Starting To Ask Yourself This Question.

Hope is not a strategy, so when your client base grows to fit the time you have to dedicate to work, your next step is to delegate the tasks that someone else can easily take over for you allowing you to re-invest your time into tasks that are bringing more money into your firm. In this blog post, we’ll go over the pros and cons of outsourcing vs. hiring a bookkeeper for your business to help you decide which option is best for your specific needs.

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